Monday, January 26, 2009

Yogurt--Least sexy food?

I try not to eat too much dairy and get my calcium from non-animal sources, but I do like my Fage. Imagine my disappointment when my favorite bland of thick, pasty yogurt that makes me feel as though I'm eating cake icing even though it is really good for me was out at Wegman's. Crisis!

Undaunted, I decided to make my own Greek yogurt. After all, my father is Greek, right? So I bought some starter....

Haha! Who do you take me for? The Pioneer Woman? Nope. But I did do the 'make your own yogurt technique of placing a spaghetti colander over a bowl, covering the colander with coffee filters, and then putting the 'normal' ghetto-price Dannon 50 cent yogurt on top, and letting the water drain for a few hours until it had a nice, strained Greek consistency, albiet still with some 'Dannon' tang. I also put another filter and a bowl on top of it to make it drain even more.

Here is my makeshift yogurt 'maker' (aka drainer) with the Dannon hiding beneath:

Then, comes the 'reveal,' as I take off the bowl on top....

And you can see what I mean about the least sexy food in the world It tastes great. But then, so does icing and ice cream before they are spread or scooped. Of course, it would help if the colander wasn't white. And my bowl.
But alas...
Anyway, I can definately see why 'the yogurt people' have used cartoons, Go-Gurt dispensers, and faux flavors and colorful candy stir-ins to make yogurt more palatable to the masses. Next time Fage is in I will probably spring for the $1.79 it costs at Wegman's, too, simply because the quality of the milk tastes better to me.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Eleven degrees

Is what it said on the news we have some 'snowpack' from yesterday. I would have run outside this morning, to say that 'I did it' if nothing else (with the help of multiple long johns, my usual cold weather buffer) but was a bit leery slipping on the snow. I guess it must be cold because my camera, which I took with me on a walk, froze up, so thus far, this is the only picture (from my window) that I have of the cold.

I have to say, the cold hasn't been affecting me as much this year as it has previously, but I think that has more to do with the insulating layer of fat I gained the past few months, that I'm blaming on a sluggish metabolism but which really has more to do with increased chocolate consumption. Blech!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Obsession 1: Butterfly Bakery Double Chocolate Muffins

Yes, yes, I know--I should post something worthy, that I crafted by hand like the illustrious Anna from Cookie Madness or Peabody, two of my blogging inspirations. However, I must admit that a single gal such as myself, other than when I'm making something for people tends more to buy then to bake. Hence the dark chocolate muffin love, made by the Butterfly Bakery.

They're sugar free and only 150 calories, according to the label. I'm always a bit suspicious of calorie labeling of fairly unknown companies, but given they're marketed to diabetics, I'm assuming they can't be too off--I'm not diabetic, just a bit neurotic. However, even if they aren't quite so 'lite' I haven't gained a zillion pounds yet, and I'm much more of a 'chocolate person' than a sugar person, and I actually like them better than the 'real kind' of chocolate chocolate muffins I've tried, which can be noxiously sweet.

I would highly recommend them....very high on y the ooey gooey chocolate-y factor.

On the plague front, while it is pissing rain, I feel a bit better. Actually moving seems to help the congestion. That and generic Sudafed, of course.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The best laid plans...

Oh dear readers, I had such plans for the new year. To start blogging. Cooking, riding, ice skating--all in the first week. To truly do things I had never done before (skating, baking em, chocolate chip cookies--baby steps, baby steps) and to do things better like horseback riding that my pathetic 34-year-old arse is attempting after a long, shall we say 'hiatus.'

Then, this happened:

Ah, the joys of the little red pill. Yep, I'm sick. Just dragging ye old carcass around today was an effort, let alone doing anything terribly exciting to delight my presumably captive readership.

However, I do assure you that this is the 'hard stuff'--the kind with pseudoephedrine in it--I had to sign for it behind the pharmacy counter! I felt like such a bad ass! This is as close as I get, living on the edge of the law, seeing if I purchase two whole packs of generic Sudafed will alert me to the federal authorities as a dangerously addled, stuffy-nosed woman!

I feel as though I should post something on a plate, given all the fashionable bloggers seem to do that:

Ahhh....little, red, better....kind of like the stare of my little dog.

See how mean I am? I bathed her! I'm the most evilist dog owner in the world, hahaha!

Tomorrow will be better.